Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkins & Pedicures

This past Sunday, we spent some time doing some fall crafts. We picked some leaves and did some pencil crayon drawings with them! They turned out really nice and are currently hanging in Isla's room. We also decided to carve pumpkins! Cam and Isla did the goo scooping while Annie cheered them on from her high chair! Cam also did the carving but Isla certainly did help. It's really sweet now that Isla is old enough to be an active participant in these activities. She really enjoys craft time and the opportunities to do new, fun things!

The finished product!

Go Daddy and Isla Go!

After dinner, I thought it would be fun to give Isla a pedicure. After explaining to her what exactly it was, she was pretty thrilled! We started with a soothing foot soak, followed by a coconut cream exfoliant. I massaged her feet with a peppermint lotion and then of course, painted her pretty toes! She sat the whole time and told me how nice this was. "This feels good Mommy". Although it lasted all of 7 minutes, it was really fun for the both of us! 

Ta da!

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