Last night, my mom and I took Isla to see The Wiggles at Rexall Place. I know what you're all thinking, "Seriously Jill, The Wiggles?" As I dip my head in shame, I admit... the show was AWESOME! Despite Isla waking up feeling feverish, snotty and tired, she was SUCH a trooper! We made a whole ladies night out of it! We went for dinner at Swiss Chalet and then headed on down for the show. I wasn't sure what Isla's reaction would be... she's never been to anything of this magnitude. And as such, she seems like more of an observer than an avid participant. However, she did surprise me a little bit. After eating an entire bag of salty, buttery popcorn to herself, The Wiggles finally came on stage and Isla..... cried. Wailed actually. And I thought, "This is going to be a long, expensive night". But after a couple songs, she warmed up and even started doing some actions, all while remaining firmly seated on my lap or Nana's. By the end of the show, she was standing, singing and dancing and having SUCH a great time. She was in there like a dirty shirt and I was so proud of her. They performed for about 80 minutes and were promptly finished at 8 pm. Those Wiggles sure understand children and their bedtimes. Despite being insanely rich and successful (it's true, they've made more money than bands such as AC/DC and Van Halen), they are so great with kids. They took time to go into the audience and collect signs kids had made for them. They also collected roses for Dorothy the Dinosaur and bones for Wags the Dogs that eager audience members had brought along. They were extremely funny and very entertaining. It was a super great evening and one I will fondly remember! Can't wait to take Isla (and Annie-Roo) to more of these events.

suppertime snuggles
love this picture!
the low budget stage
3 generations! (Isla's popcorn-munching face is hysterical)
the bag did not leave her hands
ta da!
Isla using Nana's flashlight as a "star" during Twinkle Twinkle (she sang every lyric).
Isla fell asleep approximately 68 seconds after buckling her in her seat! She was so zonked. But she woke up happy (say what??) and couldn't stop talking about her night! Special times!
So great, Jill! I'm super happy that the night turned out well for you (and Isla, of course).