This weather has been unreal! Gosh! Despite the fact that Fall means Winter is gearing up to rear it's ugly head, it really is a beautiful time of year. I love the crisp morning air (even better with a little Starbucks in hand), the sounds of the leaves crunching beneath my feet, the colorful landscape the changing leaves provide... it's gorgeous. We decided to soak up the outdoors with a picnic and a river valley walk. We packed a delicious lunch, packed 2 delicious little girls and headed to Emily Murphy Park! We ate, we walked, we ran... it was a lovely Saturday morning/early afternoon! So nice to spend time as a family too! And guess what?? My camera has risen from the dead... it works! Hooray!!
Annie enjoying a Gala.

Chipmunk cheeks!
Hey, check out our fancy ride!
Shoulder ride!
Daddy and his ladies (*note Isla's princess skirt... she insists on wearing this all the time, everywhere we go).
This September has been beautiful!! Cant wait to enjoy the great outdoors with you on Thursday :)