Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Eating Bird Food?

I am completely obsessed with this blog right now:

I have tried several of her recipes and have loved every single one of them! I love reading her ingredients lists and getting inspired to create my own delicious meals. Now, most of you know that I am not a vegetarian or a vegan nor do I plan on becoming one, but this website has delicious, healthy meals that you could easily add meat to! I made the Whole Wheat Tortilla Pizzas and added ground turkey to the recipe! Soooo tasty. I also had the hummus + bbq sauce + tuna sandwich... golly, SO good. It really allows me to look at eating healthy differently. It doesn't mean boring or bland, it means tasty, energizing, rejuvenating! But, my favorites right now are any of her overnight oats recipes! OH MY GOSH! SOOOOO unbelievably easy, convenient and scrumptious! Take a browse!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh...and just when I wanted (ANOTHER) bag of chips..... ;)
