Today while Peanut was napping, I decided to look at some old photos of her when she was a new baby. I can hardly believe she was ever that small... that delicate, that pure, that helpless and that trusting. She still is all those wonderful things, but she's growing up... and fast, which unfortunately means an inevitable loss of innocence, that first devastating hurt when someone breaks her heart, that first blow when someone betrays her. As her mom, I just want to protect her, and Annie, from all of these things but I can't. I can just be the best mom I can and raise my girls with integrity and self confidence and be there for them in a real, non-judgmental, sincere, loving way. I digress... a little, but as I stare at these images, I can fast forward my life 20 years and envision myself doing the same thing. She just looks so content... so beautiful and untouched. I love her. And I continue to aspire to be a better Mom... day in and day out, I pray that I am everything she needs. Always.

so dreamy.
safe and protected in the arms of someone who loves her most of all.
ps - sorry for the unveiling of the heart here... must be the preggo hormones making me all emotional and nostalgic.
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