So, yesterday was the end of an era in our house. Isla upgraded to a big girl bed! We said "bye-bye" to the crib and hello to a lovely, new, bright pink toddler bed! We spent the previous day at The Brick looking at beds and allowing Isla to slightly destroy their showroom as she climbed and jumped and tested out the new beds. Cam and I decided against a twin bed for now, so we thought a toddler bed would be perfect. We had had conversations with Isla about how she is getting bigger and therefore, some changes would be happening; like potty training (which is sort of beginning but we are not FULL BLOWN into it yet... maybe another week?) and a new bed with NO railings. We went to IKEA yesterday and she was so pumped... I could literally see the excitement in her face as we picked out a new bed, a mattress, new bedding and some little details for her new BIG GIRL room. Cam and I were (and still are) a little nervous about it... it's a big change. She is no longer locked up like a prisoner to her bed... she is FREEEEEEE which means I can no longer laze around in bed for a few extra minutes when she wakes up. Cam was nervous because (God bless his sensitive, daddy heart) he thought perhaps it was too soon, or we didn't prepare her enough, or we didn't have enough conversations with her about it. Having said all this, we knew it was time to get her in one and settled before Annie joins our family. Last night, we tucked her in tight (and I mean tight), read her 2 stories and prayed our night time prayers. We had one last talk with her about the importance of staying in bed and sleeping when it's night time. And guess what? She stayed in bed ALLLLL night, didn't fall out and woke up at 8 am this morning AND waited for us to get her out of bed! YAYYYYYYY. Having said all that, I am still anticipating some backlash (falling out, running around, etc...) but so far so good. I am so proud of my little lady and how big and smart she is getting. No longer a baby indeed.

practicing getting in and out of her new bed.
such pride at how big she is.
all clean and tucked in for her very first night in her new special bed.
Way to go, Isla! I'm glad this is working out for you guys.