Thursday, June 16, 2011

Isla Pictures

It has been over a month since my last post. Craziness. I am ashamed.

In order to redeem myself, I am posting a large amount of recent Isla photos. She is the cutest, most darling, most funny, most outgoing, most amazing child on planet earth (yes, I am biased)! I love her. To pieces. Enjoy.

Isla and Daddy snuggling in her housecoat (Thanks Journey!)

 exploring her new, soft housecoat

 taking in the sights at Fort Edmonton Park

 waiting for the train

 perfect window on the train to see the horses

Livi, Isla and miscellaneous pelt in the tipi at Fort Ed Park

 Isla and Me.

Popi and Isla enjoying some cuddles

 Isla and Wrennie about to go for a walk

 Isla all dressed up for N&A's wedding

Isla at Whiterock, just tickled pink.

In Jasper, on a stump.

 just hugging a totem pole.

 the Schellenbergs.

A dead crab.


  1. Love the "2 girls, 1 pelt" shot :)

    Also, love Isla & Wren going for a walk! Buddies!

  2. Isla!! You're such a cutie! Great pics, momma :)

  3. cutest little family picture ever. isla's housecoat, too much! and isla on a stump. love all of it.
